On May 21, 2021, Jessica Richman Smith and Thomas Mooney spoke at the Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Association of School Personnel Administrators. During their
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Employer Responsibilities
Governor Lamont Extends FFCRA Paid Leave Provisions for School Employees
On February 4, 2021, Governor Lamont issued Executive Order 10, which requires local and regional boards of education to continue to provide paid leave…
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Sexual Harassment Training Requirements for School Districts
School districts have been inundated over the last six months with new laws and guidance surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. While understandably our collective focus has…
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CARES Act: The Education Stabilization Fund
The CARES Act creates a $30.75 billion Education Stabilization Fund (the “ESF”) to be administered in part by the United States Department of Education and…
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Executive Order Extends Funding, Employment And Preservation of Services for Schools
On March 31, 2020, Governor Lamont issued Executive Order No. 7R (“Order 7R”) to address, among other issues, continued funding for boards of education,…
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Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA): Practical Implications for Schools as Employers
On March 18, 2020, President Trump signed House Bill 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”), into law. The FFCRA amends portions of the…
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CHRO Releases Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Program
Recently, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed two Public Acts that made significant changes to the statutes addressing sexual harassment in the workplace. These…
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Insufficient Investigation Allows Lawsuit to Proceed
In recent years male students who were removed from school following a Title IX investigation have sued, claiming that the school’s investigation was unfair and…
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Sixth Circuit: Title VII Prohibits Discrimination Based on Transgender and/or Transitioning Status
Less than one week after the Second Circuit Court of Appeals held that Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination bars discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued its own landmark Title VII decision finding that the antidiscrimination statute prohibits discrimination against transgender or transitioning individuals even where an employer’s religious exercise may be substantially burdened.
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Statutory Changes to Athletic Trainer Laws: What’s New?
Earlier this summer, the Connecticut General Assembly passed Public Act No. 17-195, An Act Concerning Athletic Trainers (the “Act”), which amended the statute governing the…
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