Thomas B. Mooney’s A Practical Guide to Connecticut School Law is the leading treatise on Connecticut school law, and it is used by school administrators and other educators, school board members and practitioners throughout the state. It also serves as the textbook for a number of school law courses offered at the graduate level in Connecticut universities. The Guide was first published in 1994.

New to the Ninth Edition:

  • Changes in Teacher Evaluation and Tenure
  • New Rules Regarding Employee Background Checks
  • New Requirements concerning Student Data Privacy
  • New Rules for Suspension and Expulsion and Alternative Educational opportunities
  • Revised Requirements Governing Seclusion and Restraint
  • The new “Every Student Succeeds Act”
  • The CCJEF Case and Ongoing Litigation
  • Minimum Budget Requirements
  • Changes in the Rules that Boards of Education and School Administrators Must Follow

Written for the layperson, the Guide sets out in practical terms the basic principles of school law in Connecticut. It is divided into seven chapters that deal with the major areas of school law as follows:

Chapter One: Board Organization, Authority and Responsibilities
Chapter Two: Religion and the Schools
Chapter Three: Teacher Employment, Evaluation And Dismissal
Chapter Four: Students
Chapter Five: Special Education
Chapter Six: Collective Bargaining
Chapter Seven: Obligations of School Boards As Employer

The Guide is published by the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE), and it is available for purchase from CABE. To purchase a copy, you may order online or call CABE at 860-571-7446 or 800-317-0033.

For additional information on obtaining Thomas B. Mooney’s book or other CABE publications, visit the CABE website at