Join school law attorneys, Thomas B. MooneyRichard A. Mills, Rebecca Rudnick Santiago and Gary R. Brochu for the 2017 Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE)/Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) Convention: Out of the Public Schools Grows the Greatness of a Nation – Mark Twain, November 17-18, 2017 at the Mystic Marriott Hotel The Annual CABE/CAPSS Convention provides school district board members and superintendents with timely topics presented in clinic sessions, workshops and round table settings.

32nd Annual Meeting of the Nutmeg Board of Education
Thomas Mooney, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin LLP; Cast to be determined

Yet again, the Nutmeg Board meets and does all the wrong things. Designed to amuse and educate you, their actions will be analyzed from the legal perspective. This mock board meeting is based on the CABE Journal’s “See You In Court” column.

Teacher Evaluations in Connecticut: Where Are We Now?
millsslblogPresenters:  Richard A. Mills, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin LLP and Rebecca Rudnick Santiago, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin LLP

It has been nearly five years since the Connecticut General Assembly adopted Public Act 12-116 titled An Act Concerning Educational Reform, and most importantly, made changes to Section 10-151b regarding the teacher evaluation process. Changes to Section 10-151b provide that the annual evaluation of teachers must now be conducted in accordance with the guidelines for teacher and administrator evaluation adopted by the Connecticut State Board of Education, which presents challenges and opportunities. This workshop will review the requirements concerning the evaluation of teachers and administrators and related changes in the Teacher Tenure Act. We will also discuss practical steps for addressing performance concerns in light of the new requirements.

The Purposeful Board: Bringing Board Governance to a Higher Level
brochuslblogPresenter:  Gary R. Brochu, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin LLP

Too often the work of Boards of Education, and their meetings, can appear to participants and observers alike, as mundane, trivial, contentious and unfocused, accomplishing little and frustrating stakeholders. The guidance available to volunteer board members as to how to improve board work often focuses on parliamentary procedure, FOIA or roles and responsibilities, leaving larger questions unaddressed. What is the purpose of Board work? How does a Board of Education make a meaningful difference for its school district? Is sustained Board excellence possible and, if so, what would it look like?

This seminar introduces a new paradigm for boards of education, a mechanism to develop and understand their essential purpose, and to purposefully design their Board and work to further its fundamental mission. Board members will leave this seminar thinking of board work in a new way, beyond the demands of the monthly meeting, envisioning new possibilities for Board work, approaching their responsibilities with purpose, and moving forward on purpose.

Visit the CABE/CAPSS Convention webpage for more information. See the agenda page and workshops page for event timing, location and session details.