The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (“CHIPRA”), signed into law by President Obama last year, allows states to offer premium assistance subsidies to certain individuals to help them pay for employer-sponsored health coverage. CHIPRA also requires employers to notify employees of the premium assistance subsidies offered in the state where they reside (the “CHIPRA Notice Requirement”). While Connecticut is not one of the states that currently offers premium assistance subsidies, Connecticut-based employers with employees who reside in other states that offer premium assistance subsidies are still required to provide the CHIPRA Notice to those out-of-state residents.

For more information about which employers must comply with the CHIPRA Notice Requirement and how they may do so, please click here to download a printable pdf of this Alert.

You may download copies of the official guidance about the CHIPRA Notice Requirement, including a list of states that offer premium assistance programs by clicking here. If you have any questions about, or need assistance in, complying with CHIPRA and the CHIPRA Notice Requirement, please contact Kelly Smith Hathorn at or any member of our Employee Benefits Practice Group.