Thomas Mooney Presents at the 2018 CABE/CAPSS Convention By Thomas B. Mooney on November 2, 2018 Posted in Public Schools, Seminars and Events School law attorney Thomas Mooney will be a presenter at the 2018 Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE)/Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) Convention Connecticut’s Future: Transforming Schools, Transforming Lives. Tom will present a workshop based on a mock board meeting, which is patterned on the CABE Journal’s “See You In Court” column. The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Nutmeg Board of Education is designed to amuse and educate participants, while the actions of the Nutmeg Board will be analyzed from the legal perspective. When: November 16-17, 2018 Where: Mystic Marriott Hotel, Groton, CT Visit the CABE/CAPSS Convention site for more information.