On November 2, 2017, school law attorney Julie C. Fay presented the breakout session, “Current Legal Issues and Trends for Independent Schools,” at the Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE) 2017 Governance Conference in Norwood, MA. Julie’s session provided schools with an overview of hot legal topics impacting independent schools including social media, transgender students, ADA, sexual misconduct, and updates on recent policy changes and their impacts. The discussion included a review of key federal policy changes and their impact on transgender students and the handling of allegations of sexual assault on school campuses, as well as trends in the area of the ADA and student accommodations. Mandated reporting and the evolving standards related to employee background checks and references were also covered, within the context of recent student sexual assault cases. Finally, this session provided an update on legal issues concerning overtime regulations and field trips, as well as coverage of important policy considerations in the areas of social media, communications with students, and best practices related to professional boundaries.
Developed for experienced and new trustees of independent schools, the Annual Governance Conference brings together leaders from across the AISNE network.
For more information, visit the AISNE 2017 Governance Conference event page.