Bruce Chudwick, Julie Fay and Leander Dolphin, together with Douglas Lyons of the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools, will present the one-hour workshop topic, “Admissions, Attendance and Accommodations: New Perspectives on the ADA,” at the 2016 NAIS Annual Conference.
The obligation to provide reasonable accommodations for students under the ADA continues to expand. Recent enforcement activity from the U.S. Department of Justice highlights the need to track emerging issues under the ADA – ranging from service animals to mental health issues. The presenters will discuss compliance efforts, the impact on schools and strategies to reasonably accommodate students from admissions through graduation.
The presentation will explore:
- What are the recent changes to the ADA and how will the increased enforcement activity at the federal and local level impact independent schools?
- How does a school determine what is a reasonable accommodation when determining whether to grant an accommodation request?
- What are best practices for schools in complying with the ADA from the application process through graduation?
Block: Block 2 (Thursday, February 25, 12:00 – 1:00 PM)
Track: Management
The NAIS Annual Conference is the premier professional development and networking event for administrators, trustees, and teachers at independent schools, and attracts more than 4,500 participants over the course of three days. NAIS represents nearly 1,800 national and international member schools. For more information and to register visit the NAIS Annual Conference website.