The case Stratechuck v. Board of Education, 587 F.3d 597, 610 (C.A.3 (N.J.), 2009), (which the United States Supreme Court declined at the start
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Religion and the Schools
Eastern District of North Carolina Federal Court Issues Temporary Restraining Order Requiring School District to Readmit Student
A federal district court judge has issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) requiring school officials to readmit a student who had been suspended for wearing…
Graduation Ceremony Does Not Violate Establishment Clause: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin
A federal district court in Wisconsin has ruled that a school district did not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment by holding high…
Federal Court Upholds Ban of Religious Materials in Public Schools
An Idaho federal court has ruled that the Idaho Public Charter School Commission (the “Commission”), the body that regulates public charter schools in Idaho, did…
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Court Issues Injunction Prohibiting Graduation Ceremonies at Cathedral
A federal district court judge issued a ruling on May 31st enjoining a Connecticut school district from holding its high school graduation ceremonies at a…
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United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana Issues Preliminary Injunction Barring Student-Led Prayer At High School Graduation Ceremony
On April 30, 2010, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana issued a preliminary injunction barring a student-led prayer at a…
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Oregon House of Representatives Votes to End Ban on Teachers Wearing Religious Garb
Oregon, Nebraska and Pennsylvania are the only remaining states to prohibit religious clothing in public schools. But Oregon has taken the first step in lifting…
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Former Student Sues School Over Graduation Speech
A Montana high school valedictorian is suing her former school district and various school officials for their refusal to allow her to present her valedictory…
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Pledge of Allegiance Law Found Constitutional
A federal court in New Hampshire recently ruled that the State’s law requiring school districts to set aside time for students to recite the Pledge…
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Religious Music Ban at Graduation Found Constitutional
The Ninth Circuit affirmed a lower court decision finding that a school district did not violate the Constitutional rights of a student when it prohibited…
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