Professional Women in Construction, Connecticut Chapter, will offer a presentation on the topic, “Issues and Impacts – Southern New England Private Schools” on December 5, 2017.  The program is appropriate for private schools.  Presenters will address critical issues facing schools in planning for and implementing construction programs to address both students’ and the schools’ needs. Schools who attend this program will meet and learn from individuals who direct facilities, planning and construction for some of Southern New England’s most prestigious preparatory schools.

When:  Tuesday, December 5, 2017 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM EST
Where:  The Sheraton Hartford South, 100 Capital Boulevard, Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Registration:  For more information and to register, visit the PWC event page.

Presentation Panel:

Bill Auerswald / The Greenwich Country Day School
Director of Finance and Operations

Ted Brennan / Avon Old Farms School
Associate Director of Physical Plant

Timothy Fulco / Berkshire School
Director of Facilities Management

Karen Scodari / Rumsey Hall School
Business Manager / CFO

William Guerrero / The Foote School
Business Manager / CFO

Peter McKone / Bancroft School
Director of Operations Maintenance

Colleen Woerlen / Kingswood Oxford School
Director of Finance & Operations

Moderator: To be Announced