Shipman & Goodwin attorneys Thomas Mooney and Gary Brochu will present at this year’s Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE)/Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) Convention, November 20th and 21st on topics including:
30th Annual Meeting of the Nutmeg Board of Education (CO, GP, HPBAS, RYB, R)
Yet again, the Nutmeg Board meets and does all the wrong things to amuse and educate you. Their actions will be analyzed from the legal perspective. This mock board meeting is patterned on the CABE Journal’s “See You in Court” column.
Presenter: Thomas Mooney, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Unlocking the Key to Running Effective Board Meetings: Understanding Robert’s Rules of Order (HPBAS, RYB)
Every Connecticut Board of Education Utilizes Robert’s Rules of Order as a procedural guide to conduct its meetings. Unfortunately, Robert Rules of Order can be an intimidating and impenetrable mystery to volunteer board members, or a partially (mis)understood set of arcane procedures designed more to obstruct board work than to facilitate it. This workshop will present the essentials of Robert’s Rules for Boards of Education members, explain the relationship between Robert’s Rules and Boards of Education bylaws, and provide tips, tools and examples of how to hold more effective and efficient Board of Education meetings.
Presenter: Gary Brochu, Attorney, Shipman & Goodwin LLP