School law attorneys Thomas B. Mooney, Richard A. Mills, and Andreana R. Bellach will present sessions at the 2019 Connecticut Association of Boards of
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Andreana R. Bellach
Andreana represents boards of education in education law matters, labor relations and employment law, including labor negotiations for certified and non-certified staff, grievance arbitration, freedom of information hearings, student disciplinary matters, special education disputes, and education policies and practices. Andreana frequently speaks on education law and labor relations matter.
Providing an Effective Learning Environment: An In-Depth Discussion of Emerging Issues in Classroom Management
Today’s classrooms place considerable importance on providing environments conducive to learning. Issues surrounding disruptive behavior, student and staff safety, anonymous reporting, and student-initiated electronic monitoring…
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Seminar: Hot Topics in Special Education
Please join Shipman & Goodwin school law attorneys for a timely discussion of hot topics and legal developments in special education law. Topics will include:…
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Education Legislation Summary: 2017 Special Session – Biennial Budget, Connecticut General Assembly
On October 26, 2017, the General Assembly passed Emergency Certified Bill 1502 (“Bill 1502” or “the Bill”). The Bill was signed by Governor Malloy on October 31, 2017 (except for a line item veto related to hospital charges). This summary is intended to give you a brief overview of some of the more significant changes affecting public elementary and secondary education.
Changes Affecting School Operations
Mandatory Medicaid Provider Enrollment
Effective no later than December 1, 2017, each local and regional board of education must (1) enroll as a provider in the state medical assistance program, (2) participate in the Medicaid School Based Child Health Program administered by DSS (Department of Social Services), and (3) submit billable service information electronically to DSS or its billing agent. The local or regional board of education may enter into an agreement with a third-party vendor or another local/regional board of education to comply with these requirements. See Bill 1502 § 51.
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Register Now for 2016 Education Legislative Updates
In its 2016 regular and special sessions, the General Assembly made a number of changes in the statutes that affect public education in Connecticut. This…
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Register Now for 2015 Education Legislative Updates: An Overview of Statutory Changes Affecting Connecticut School Districts
In its 2015 session, the Connecticut General Assembly made a number of statutory changes that affect Connecticut school districts. This workshop is intended to give schools an overview of some of the changes that were made in the area of education this year. Join us for this timely discussion of new guidance and/or changes to the following:
- Expulsions for Students Preschool – Second Grade
- Seclusion and Restraint
- DCF Reporting Requirements
Grievance is Not Protected Speech Under First Amendment
The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently ruled that a public school teacher who filed a grievance against an assistant principal …
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Substitute Teachers Exempt From Bachelor’s Degree Standard For 2009-2010
In June 2009, the General Assembly amended Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-145(a) to require that, effective July 1, 2009, “[n]o person shall be employed in…
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