This week marked a turning point in the COVID-19 Pandemic: the arrival of the first vaccines.  Now that the vaccines are finally coming (through much of 2021), employers have many questions to ask themselves and will have many questions to answer from employees. On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission started to answer some of the emerging questions with an update to its “What You Should Know…” about COVID-19 website.  In doing so, it provided new guidance on how employers can implement vaccination programs without running afoul of existing laws.  The key takeaways from the guidance are as follows.

Q:  Can we mandate that our employees get vaccinated?

Although the EEOC guidance does not explicitly answer that question, it is clear from the guidance that mandatory vaccination programs are permissible under federal law.  When and how employers can mandate vaccinations will depend on a variety of factors, including the availability of the vaccine.  Employers should be mindful that the current COVID-19 vaccine is approved for emergency use; full approval is expected in early 2021.

Q:  If we mandate vaccinations, what things should we consider?

There are numerous legal issues that can arise through a mandatory vaccination program, and precautions employers should take.  For example,

  • If an employer requires the vaccine, it must ensure that pre-screening questions are “job-related and consistent with business necessity.”  If an employer has a voluntary vaccination program, any answers to pre-screening, disability-related questions must also be voluntary.
  • The ADA requires employers to keep any employee medical information obtained in the course of the vaccination program confidential, and employers must be mindful of other relevant laws, such as Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.
  • Whether to use a third party to administer the vaccine within the workplace, or whether employees will be allowed to obtain it on their own and then provide proof of vaccination.  There may be legal and practical considerations for each approach.

Q:  What if an employee refuses to get vaccinated?

The EEOC guidance makes clear that employers must discuss whether reasonable accommodations are available to employees who cannot get the vaccine due to a disability or due to religious beliefs. Employers must also determine if a disabled individual who cannot be vaccinated would be a “direct threat” to the workplace by assessing (1) the duration of the risk; (2) the nature and severity of the potential harm; (3) the likelihood that the potential harm will occur; and (4) the imminence of the potential harm.  Ultimately, if no reasonable accommodation is available (e.g. remote work), and the individual’s presence would constitute a “direct threat” to the workplace, the EEOC guidance states that the individual’s employment can be terminated.  Such decisions can be complicated, however, and employers may want to consult their legal counsel before taking such action.

Q:  Given those considerations, should our business mandate vaccinations for employees?

Not all employers are alike, and the answer to this question may be a business judgment that turns on a number of factors, including the type of industry the company is in, whether employees can work remotely, whether the employer is unionized, whether the employer is prepared to manage such a program, and how such policy will be received by employees. Some employers may decide to implement the same approach that they use for seasonal flu — strong encouragement, but no mandates.  Other employers have already decided that the time is now right, and the risk is too great, not to require employees to take preventative measures such as getting a flu or COVID-19 vaccine.

Vaccine 2021: Are You Prepared?

Shipman lawyers are addressing many of these questions already with employers, including hospitals, essential workplaces, manufacturers, schools, and offices.  Our multi-disciplinary COVID-19 Vaccine Working Group is available to address not just the employment law issues, but privacy concerns, litigation risks, health and safety, and industry-specific areas.  Members of our team include Julie FayAlfredo FernándezGabe JiranAnne LittlefieldJill O’TooleWilliam Roberts, and Daniel A. Schwartz, among others.  Now that guidance has been forthcoming from the government, we are planning a webinar for a date in January 2021 to address many of these questions.  Save the date and watch for a registration e-mail after the holidays.  We are also hosting a webinar as part of our manufacturing series “Emerging Compliance and Legal Threats to Manufacturers” on January 27, 2021 at noon, where panelists including Jane Goundrey, General Counsel of ORAFOL Americas, Inc. and Kate McGinnes Collins, General Counsel, MB Aerospace will discuss vaccination issues.

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Photo of Daniel Schwartz Daniel Schwartz

Dan represents employers in various employment law matters such as employment discrimination, restrictive covenants, human resources, retaliation and whistle blowing, and wage and hour issues. He has extensive trial and litigation experience in both federal and state courts in a variety of areas…

Dan represents employers in various employment law matters such as employment discrimination, restrictive covenants, human resources, retaliation and whistle blowing, and wage and hour issues. He has extensive trial and litigation experience in both federal and state courts in a variety of areas, including commercial litigation and trade secret enforcement. Dan is the author of the independent Connecticut Employment Law Blog. The blog discusses new and noteworthy events in labor and employment law on a daily basis.

Photo of Julie C. Fay Julie C. Fay

Julie is co-chair of Shipman’s Education Department, and a partner in the School Law Practice group, where she represents public and independent schools in a variety of special education and general education law matters, with a particular focus on issues relating to students…

Julie is co-chair of Shipman’s Education Department, and a partner in the School Law Practice group, where she represents public and independent schools in a variety of special education and general education law matters, with a particular focus on issues relating to students with disabilities, student discipline, confidentiality, school governance and policy. Julie frequently represents schools in administrative hearings, including expulsion hearings, special education due process hearings and related proceedings, and is often called upon to guide districts in drafting policies and administrative procedures in all education law areas. As part of her practice, Julie has conducted numerous professional development workshops for clients and other school organizations.

Photo of Peter J. Murphy Peter J. Murphy

Peter represents public and private sector employers in a broad array of cases, with a focus on cases involving claims of discrimination, wrongful termination, first amendment retaliation, and other labor and employment disputes. In addition, Peter advises employers on issues such as employee…

Peter represents public and private sector employers in a broad array of cases, with a focus on cases involving claims of discrimination, wrongful termination, first amendment retaliation, and other labor and employment disputes. In addition, Peter advises employers on issues such as employee discipline, disability accommodations, and internal investigations, and provides training and seminar presentations on those issues.