The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) is presenting the following symposium.  This is a free presentation open to the public.  Although this presentation is focused on public schools, the topic should be of interest to all educators, including educators at independent schools, colleges and universities.

Transgender and Genderqueer Public School Students: School Safety in an Era of Uncertainty

July 27, 2017 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM
The Old Judiciary Room (Third Floor), Capitol, Hartford
There is no charge to attend. Light refreshments will follow the symposium.

This event will provide educators and attorneys the opportunity to identify and discuss law which protects LGBTQA+ students from unlawful discrimination and discriminatory bullying in the schools.

Panelists will review and discuss best practices regarding education, advocacy, and protection for transgender and genderqueer students in public schools. In accordance with the mission of the CHRO, the event is intended to inform attendees about the protections afforded these students by human rights statutes in the State of Connecticut and to provide a forum for discussion regarding what steps can be taken to expand upon the principles of equal opportunity and justice that they establish.

Please contact if you require further information or accommodations.