Julie Fay will present the session, “Student Discipline in the Cyber-Age,” at this year’s NAIS-TABS Legal Symposium.  The presentation will be held on October 14, 2016 from 2:10 p.m – 3:05 p.m.

This session will discuss how the pervasive use of technology has had a dramatic impact on  student culture and conduct within our school communities.  With the fast paced changes brought on by new devices, apps and social media platforms, students are finding new ways to violate school rules that often out pace our ability to monitor, educate and anticipate potential misconduct.  This session will explore the legal implications of student misconduct involving technology such as sexting, cyberbullying, and unauthorized recordings as well as discuss the risks of increased boundary violations that result from the use of informal communications made possible by technology and social media.  The discussion will include practical tips for investigating student misconduct when technology is involved, including the preservation of evidence, and when to involve the police, and identify steps schools can take to try and stay ahead of the curve.

Designed for trustees and school administrators of all kinds to learn about the pressing legal issues facing independent schools, the NAIS-TABS Legal Symposium is a unique opportunity to spend quality time with legal professionals and colleagues to dig into the concerns of the day and come away with solutions. For more information and to register, visit the NAIS-TABS Legal Symposium website.