frazzinikendrickslblogrobertsslblogzittounslblogIn this webcast provided by the State of Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology, Shipman & Goodwin attorneys Gwen Zittoun, Bill Roberts and Ben FrazziniKendrick discuss the implications that Public Act 16-189 will have on school districts.  The presenters explain the requirements of the law relative to releasing student records to third party non-instructional consultants and operators of websites and mobile applications, and additional requirements of the Act, which is effective October 1, 2016.  Listen to the complete webcast recording: Briefing on PA-189.  For more information on Public Act 16-189’s implications on school districts, see the alert:  Governor Signs Student Data Privacy Law.

The School Law Practice Group is in the process of revising our Model Student Records Policy and Administrative Regulations, and drafting sample contracts and notices in relation to the Act.  For further information or to discuss how these issues may impact you or your constituents, please contact Ben FrazziniKendrick (860-251-5182 or; William J. Roberts (860-251-5051 or; or Gwen J. Zittoun (860-251-5523 or