SpecialEdConnection® recently featured two articles by Shipman & Goodwin School Law attorneys Leander Dolphin and Gwen Zittoun.
Leander was quoted in the article, “Don’t Accept ‘Backslide’ in Academic Performance Without Investigation” by Cara Nissman. This piece explores the reevaluation process that should be initiated when student performance begins to decline. Leander recommends when action should be taken to assess the reasoning behind a decrease in progress and the cues that should initiate a meeting between parents and administration. To read the full article please click here.
Gwen was quoted in the article, “Attorneys: Move Fast When Clock Starts Ticking on IEE Requests” by Jennifer Herseim. This article focuses on how a district should respond to an independent educational evaluation (“IEE”) request by a parent and ways to assure that proper guidelines are being followed. Gwen discusses suggestions on how to provide an inclusive evaluation that can address all areas of concern to the advantages of offering a supplementary assessment. To read the full article please click here.