According to monitoring reports released by the U.S. Department of Education, six states have been flagged for challenges with the implementation of their proposals, following being granted NCLB waivers by the Department a year ago. Federal officials have raised red flags for Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Mississippi and New York.
The monitoring reports, which were released January 6, are part of the second-round “Part B” oversight by the Department, which is designed to look more intensively into how states are implementing their waiver plans.
Four of the six monitored states – Connecticut, Idaho, New York and Mississippi – were criticized for not using federally required turnaround strategies in their priority schools. In particular, Connecticut was cited for not meeting expectations for its lowest performing priority schools. Federal officials also want Connecticut to monitor professional development and English-learner tests.
The Department expressed concerns in the report about Connecticut’s plans not to pilot all aspects of its new teacher evaluation system, including its student-growth measurement. This aspect of the state’s teacher evaluation plan has also received considerable criticism from local education officials.
Connecticut, like the other states who were flagged by the Department of Education, now have to make adjustments and demonstrate progress if they are going to continue to enjoy the flexibility it received with last year’s NCLB waiver.