As interpretation and enforcement of Section 504 continue to evolve, school districts are faced with increasing obligations surrounding the identification, evaluation and provision of services to students with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Specifically, districts are now encountering more frequent requests to consider eligibility for students with diagnoses such as concussions and food allergies, and temporary conditions such as broken limbs. Presenters from Shipman & Goodwin’s School Law Practice Group will use timely court cases and opinions and letters from the Office of Civil Rights to discuss the changing landscape of Section 504 within the school environment and how schools can ensure that disabled students continue to receive appropriate services and accommodations under the law.

The seminar will specifically address the following topics:

  • Accommodating students with food allergies
  • Field trips and extracurricular activities
  • Temporary conditions
  • Individualized Health Care Plans v. Section 504 Plans
  • Manifestation Determinations

Click here to view the event brochure.


7:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Shipman & Goodwin
Hartford Office
Courtroom – 20th Floor
One Constitution Plaza
Hartford, CT


9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Shipman & Goodwin
Stamford Office
Charter Oak Room
300 Atlantic Street
Stamford, CT

**Note registration is closed, contact Jade Tarca to be added to a waiting list.