A legal workshop on these two significant topics was presented at the CAS-CIAC office by Mr. Thomas Mooney and Ms. Julie Fay titled, “Legal Workshop: Transgender Students and Individuals with Disabilities in Activities – What Every School Needs to Know.”

Attorneys Mooney and Fay explored the legal ramifications for schools to remain in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the development of 504 plans and IEP’s for disabled students, and covered what schools will need to do to comply with Public Act No. 11-55 (Connecticut’s non-discrimination law) in regards to transgender students based upon recently released guidelines/requirements from OCR and the Safe Schools Coalition.

CAS-CIAC is pleased to be able to make video of the complete workshop, along with the materials distributed at the comprehensive professional development session available on our website for principals, athletic directors and other school officials who will find them of use.